Mr Ford's HTTP Example

This form asks you to enter some information which is then sent to another page. The mechanism that sends the information is known as an HTTP Request. In this example the HTTP Request is sent to another file using a method that encodes the information entered in the form as part of the URL. Anyone that is able to intercept the HTTP Request can uncover the information that the user has submitted — in this case their name, email address and password.

Please enter your top secret personal information below.

Warning! Do not use a real password or credit card number in this demonstration.


Email Address:


Credit Card:


  1. Can you think of different ways that someone could intercept the HTTP Request and access the information?
  2. How many different web sites do you use that require you to submit personal information (like a username and email address)?


This example page uses a method known as GET. There's another way to send the information captured in the form, it's known as POST. Research the difference between these two methods.

What else can someone find out about you from the HTTP Request that your browser sends? Here's one example.